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sesame seed

White and black sesame seeds come from the herb Sesamum indicum, which belongs to the Pedaliaceae family. It is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world

Soya Bean

The main soya bean producing areas are in the western part of the country,In Oromia and Benishangul gumuz,and in Amhara region.

Castor seed

Castor is a plant that produces seeds (beans). Castor oil is produced by pressing ripe seeds that have had their outer covering (hull) removed. The hull contains a deadly poison called ricin  Castor seeds without the hull are used for birth control, constipation, leprosy, and syphilis.

Chick peas

 locally known as Shimbra, is one of the major pulse crops in Ethiopia.chickpea production by type consists of 70% Desi and the rest 30% is Kabuli type chickpea. 

Sesame Seed

Soya bean

Castor Seed

Chick peas